size than the regular font used in such article or research paper, and shall be on the same page of the summary of such article or research paper or at a nearby position which can be seen clearly. Clause
or research paper in underwritten securities, provided that such statement shall be distinct, easy-to- read, and not smaller in size than the regular font used in such article or research paper, and
entrance/exit way to main road throughout the sub-leasehold period without any compensation. (e) Any other agreed conditions which benefit the Trust. (2) Transaction Size Undertaking Transaction is a part of
currently the Company’s major shareholder, and the transaction size is equal to MB 358.01, which is more than the amount of MB 20.00 (NTA cannot be calculated because the NTA of the company is negative
” ) because Mr. Suparuek is currently the Company’s major shareholder, and the transaction size is equal to MB 358.03, which is more than the amount of MB 20.00 (NTA cannot be calculated because the NTA of the
Mr. Suparuek is currently the Company’s major shareholder, and the transaction size is equal to MB 358.03, which is more than the amount of MB 20.00 (NTA cannot be calculated because the NTA of the
” ) because Mr. Suparuek is currently the Company’s major shareholder, and the transaction size is equal to MB 358.03, which is more than the amount of MB 20.00 (NTA cannot be calculated because the NTA of the
that the Company uses to calculate the size of asset acquisition transaction is total of Baht 300 million and assigned the Management to set the closing date when complete the significant conditions for
, 24th Floor Rama IV Rd., Kwang Tungmahamek, Khet Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Size : 692.50 square meters Period : 6 years the rental contract was retroactively effective from August 1st, 2019 to July 31st
of Asset Asset : Office space Location : 1168/68 - 69 Lumpini Tower Floor24 RamaIV Road, KwangTungmahamek, KhetSatorn Bangkok 10120 Size : 692.50 square meter Period : 6 years the rental contract was