replacement of lost important data. 4.3 If companies have used a service from a service provider, companies should cooperate with a service provider in determining a recovery time to restore normal operation
case may be. In addition, there should be provided an approach on provision or preparation of substitute data in replacement of lost important data. 3 4.3 If companies have used a service from a service
%) - XPCL : The operating result was lost by Baht 26 million due to low electricity revenue, caused by the low amount of water. The commencement of XPCL on October 29, 2019. Page 9 KEGCO: Unit : Million Baht
the period that the Group lost revenue from the temporary branches closure (2) a decrease in bank fees and (3) a decrease of various expenses from cost control measure such as work from home policy to
registrar to issue new evidence representing rights in units to replace the one having been lost, faded, or materially damaged, the trustee shall proceed to conform to the request within a reasonable period
held, name of sukuk holder and the objective of the request. Clause 19 In case the sukuk certificate got lost or destroyed and the sukuk holder wishes to have a new one, the sukuk holder shall submit a
ไข วธิกีาร หลกัฐาน ในการแจง้ ▪ เมือ่มกีารแจง้สิน้สดุสมาชกิภาพ ผูจั้ดการกองทนุตอ้งจา่ยเงนิใหล้กูจา้งภายใน 30 วนั 3.4 การจดัการเงนิคงคา้ง (unclaimed money/lost member) ▪ ในกรณีทีผู่จั้ดการกองทนุแจง้ใหล้
came from the provision for damage of missing stock recorded in the 3rd quarter of 2017. Financial costs Consolidated financial costs for the 3rd quarter of 2017 and 2016 amounting to THB 249 million
contract period. Reuse of heat lost back to power generator. To generate powerhouse from community waste. Able to be both of consultants and take the projects or even investors themselves if the project has
-19 has had limited direct impact to-date on IVL’s global production footprint as only ~4% of EBITDA from China; IVL continues to monitor further downside risks globally Volumes lost in 2019 from