especially in real estate sector. On economic stability, inflation has slowed down due to the decrease in retail petroleum prices. 3. WATER SITUATION As of 26 July 2019, the water supply situation in Chonburi
2016 – 2017 and the first 6 months of 2018.2 Growth Rate of Revenues per year : 2.5% of each year commencing from the 2nd year referring to the inflation rate in Thailand. 1 The historical financial
งวดกวา่ท่ีตลาดคาด นอกจากน้ี Fed น่าจะมีบทเรียนจากเหตุการณ์ภาวะเงินเฟ้อสูงคร้ังใหญ่ (Great Inflation) ในช่วงปี 1970s จากการข้ึนดอกเบ้ียนอ้ย เกินไป และปรับลดดอกเบ้ียลงเร็วเกินไป จนทาํให้เงินเฟ้อกลบัมาพุ่ง
year, private consumption and the continued expansion of both private and government investment, while the headline inflation rate averaged of 1.7%-2.2%. The unemployment rate in 2Q/2023 was 1.06
being the continuous recovery of the tourism sector, the private consumption and the private investment, while the headline inflation rate averaged of only 0.5%. The unemployment rate in 3Q/2023 was
. Moreover, external factors, including increased inflation rates, increased interest rates, and political uncertainties, further impacted consumer purchasing power. This, in turn, contributed to a decline in
economic recession, inflation rates, increasing household debt, and rising interest rates led to a higher cost of living, which increased prices for IT products, posing pressure for consumers to reduce their
of previous year Moreover, external factors, including economic recession, inflation rates, increasing household debt, and rising interest rates led to a higher cost of living, which increased prices
showed a slow recovery reflecting a mixed trend in the indicators. On one side, a strong growth driver came from increasing tourist arrivals and lower inflation rates attributed to government subsidies
the continuous recovery of the tourism sector, the private consumption and the private investment, while the headline inflation rate averaged of only 1.2%. The unemployment rate in 4Q/2023 was slightly