prices highly adjusted following the crude oil price and uncertainty of global demand and supply, which finally caused the Company’s overall raw material prices jumped up to 238.74 million baht, and
. Therefore, this results to lower entrepreneurs and workers income, increase in unemployment rate, people in general are worried about uncertainty financially. As a result, people will most likely postpone
, increase in unemployment rate, people in general are worried about uncertainty financially. As a result, people will most likely postpone their purchase a high value asset which buying a real estate is one
higher than the minimum price as appraised by IFA if EMC is not able to satisfy the condition precedent. Moreover, the Project is exposed to legal risks on the issues of building modification; uncertainty
guideline for solving these issues in a tangible way. Moreover, there may be uncertainty regarding the conditions of related contracts under current negotiation. In addition, the IFA views that the offer
economic and social development of the country. It also helps country prepare for change in response to various impacts arising from the increasing uncertainty and volatility we are facing today. Moreover
** -1.7302 -0.1520 0.2417 -0.7397 (1.0194) (1.2270) (1.3836) (2.1719) (1.6506) Lagged expense ratio 4.0369*** 2.4117** 9.3810* 11.1106 5.4918 (1.2164) (1.0703) (4.9741) (7.0673) (3.4045) Log of lagged fund
ภายใน ไตรมาส 1/2561 ทัง้นีย้อดขายรอการรับรูร้ายได(้Back log) ของโครงการ MARQUE Sukhumvit ณ 30 กนัยายน 2560 มยีอดขายรอการรับรูป้ระมาณ 4,700 ลา้นบาท - คา่ใชจ้่ายทางการเงนิในไตรมาส3/2560 จ านวนเงนิ 111.00
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