signing is a good beginning for closer cooperation with regard to monitoring of businesses entering the rehabilitation or bankruptcy process. It will also strengthen enforcement efficiency and human
competitiveness and financial security, and to strengthen the overall market stability. The consultation paper on the draft amendment to the SEA regarding the CMDF establishment and the details thereof are
supervision of subordinated perpetual bonds to strengthen investor protection and simultaneously develop the debt securities market. In this regard, such type of bond to be offered for sale to the general
improvement of audit quality, enhance the credibility of the financial reporting system in the Thai capital market, and strengthen the mechanism for investor protection. In addition, the proposed supervisory
effort will strengthen capital market cooperation in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Strengthening Economic Relation between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and Hong
shopping, while also slashing cash management costs, in order to strengthen their businesses. KBank also focused on the offering of products to our customers engaged in import-export business, in order to
การแจ้งแต่งตั้งและสิ้นสุดการแต่งตั้ง head of compliance
negative effect from strengthen THB against USD. * Note Please find further information in the consolidated financial statements. 2 Gross profit margin = Gross Profit (Total Sales – Costs of Sales) to Sales
equity market growth and to serve the needs of the real economy worldwide. The most important achievement of the meeting was the adoption of a Guide to strengthen corporate governance through effective
them to enhance greater adaptability and engagement in sustainable business development. This can be a key business strategy that helps to reduce sustainability risk and strengthen competitiveness