GLOW. The coal cost and maintenance cost was increased by Baht 272 million mainly due to the maintenance and cleaning cost of IRPC-CP in April 2019 as planed. • The cost of sales of goods and rendering
of rent and services constituted utilities, security & cleaning services, on- site personnel, land rental, depreciation & amortization, repair & maintenance costs and insurance premium and property tax
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A WCorpL4.1hig A Executive Summary of Management Discussion and Analysis 1 For the Year Ending December 31, 2018 In 2018, the overall Thai economy maintained its growth due largely to healthier growth of exports and tourism, especially in the first half of the year. Meanwhile, the government continued to implement measures to promote and strengthen the domestic economy through support of investment and private spending as well as bolstering opportunities for other econo...
and improves engine cleaning, allowing the engine to work at maximum performance, the Company is the first and the only company to have such a product at the moment, and the number of Bangchak service
combustion performance, and the S Super Purifier as a cleaning agent for fuel injectors; in order to yield highest quality B10 Diesel product. As well as contributing to the lowering of the PM 2.5 pollutant
its formula for excellent cleaning of fuel injectors, allowing for complete combustion within the engine that allows for smooth performance with maximum clean power. 7 Management Discussion and Analysis
Distancing ทุกจุด 3) กำรตดิตำมเพื่อควำม ปลอดภัย (Safety Tracking) 4) กำรใส่ใจในควำมสะอำดทุกจุดสัมผัส (Deep Cleaning) และ 5) แนวทำงลดกำรสมัผัส (Touchless Experience) ซึง่มำตรกำร ดังกลำ่วสำมำรถเพิม่ควำมมั่นใจ
forecourt to wear medical masks at all times, inquiries and observations are made along with body temperature measurements of employees are consistently carried out, provide alcohol gel for cleaning hands at
(Deep Cleaning) และ 5) แนวทำงลด กำรสัมผัส (Touchless Experience) ซึง่ทีผ่่ำนมำบรษัิทฯ ไดท้ดลองรเิริม่กำรใชม้ำตรกำรนี้ และปฏบัิตไิดจ้รงิกับกำรเปิดศูนยก์ำรคำ้เซ็นทรัลพลำซำ นครศรธีรรมรำชมำแลว้ และถอืเป็น ตัว
. Increase frequency of cleaning and disinfecting touch points. Install thermoscan cameras to measure body temperature of employees and visitors at the entrance of KBank main branches. Adjust work format