Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 149.50 212.68 (63.18) (29.71%) Temporary investments 40.83 59.90 (19.07) (31.84%) Trade and other receivables 323.19 255.88 67.31 26.31% Unbilled receivables
liabilities 74,281 97,277 (22,996) Total shareholders’ equity 959,070 912,929 46,141 Assets The total assets increased 23 million Baht, comprising current assets increased 7 million Baht and non-current
increasing from current investment, trade receivables and inventories. Assets decreased from Land, plant and equipment, which decreased from depreciation. 2 There were total liabilities of 303.6 Million Baht
Engineering System 44 1,612.46 Telecommunication & Signaling 6 1,026.21 Renewable Energy Project 2 57.84 Total 52 2,696.51 Consolidated Financial Position information Current assets as at 31st December, 2019
176.92 21.75% 135.67 15.70% Inventories 419.67 51.59% 455.45 52.71% Dividend payables 0.07 0.01% 0.07 0.01% Other current assets 17.80 2.19% 22.17 2.57% Long-term lease liabilities - current 43.91 5.40
/ One Report ประเด็นที่อยู่ในความสนใจ (Current Issues) หนังสือชี้ชวน / ผู้ระดมทุน / SME / บริษัทจดทะเบียน สำหรับบุคลากรธุรกิจตลาดทุน (FM/IC/IP/Analyst) สินทรัพย์ดิจิทัล สำหรับผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ SHARE
underwriting will also be revised in responsive to current circumstances. The consultation paper is available on Stakeholders and those interested in the proposal are welcome to submit comments
Broadgate Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Broadgate Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Broadgate) (current name: Broadgate (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) colluded
Miss Phatharika Kongboon (current name : Miss Sirikorn Thongsarai) During January 9, 2013 - February 28, 2013, Miss Phatharika Kongboon aided and abetted other persons to manipulate the price and
Increase (Decrease) Separate Financial Statements Increase (Decrease) 2020 % 2019 % Thousand Baht % 2020 % 2019 % Thousand Baht % Current Assets 737,977 59.3 667,438 58.4 70,539 10.6 749,646 61.0 669,493