focuses on identifying and understanding the extent to which future growth is related to the duration of an earnings string. The rationale is that the longer earnings strings, the more difficult firms
appropriate to their circumstances and over time. Institutional investors’ obligations to their beneficiaries or clients and their scope for influence of companies in which they invest bring important
.................................................. 25 3. Models for activities assessment ................................................................... 26 3.1. Scope of emissions
ASEAN GREEN BOND STANDARDS First issued: November 2017 Revised: October 2018 2 ASEAN GREEN BOND STANDARDS 2018 CONTENTS Page Introduction 3 Definitions 6 1.0 Scope of the ASEAN Green Bond Standards 7
ASEAN SOCIAL BOND STANDARDS Issued: October 2018 2 ASEAN SOCIAL BOND STANDARDS 2018 CONTENTS Page Introduction 3 Definition 6 1.0 Scope of the ASEAN Social Bond Standards 7 2.0 Objective of the ASEAN
obtain ACMF Pass and carry out investment advice which are permitted activities under the MOU in Host Jurisdiction. This handbook set out the guidance on ACMF Pass by: 1.2.1 Explaining the scope of
can also be used to demonstrate the extent to which they have complied with the Code. In a similar spirit, UK institutions that apply the Code should use their best efforts to apply its principles to
provision of services as a securities clearing house or central securities depository to the extent that members or their clients, or any involved persons understand risks from use of the services, and shall
not implemented, has the reasons for departure been documented? If no, how does the firm ensure that difficult or contentious matters have been resolved appropriately? Are the nature, scope and
age of 50 to 59, contributing to 31 percent, as shown in figure 5. 47% 13%6% 3% 31% 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60-69 years More than70 years Proportion of ages range of auditors in capital