(MD&A) for year 2017 (Revised) 4 Overview of World Steel Industry Chart of world crude steel production monthly, ending 31 December 2017 Source: World Steel Association According to the World Steel
1Q2020, overall palm oil production in both domestic and international market declined due to the significant impact of drought on agriculture. According to Department of Internal Trade, local crude palm
of the virus has caused demand for consumption of fuel around the world to decline with significance. This factor is putting pressure on the price of crude and finished product to drop significantly
from CPO’s prices fluctuation. - Raw materials and By-product’s Quantity sold in the 3rd quarter of 2019 has contributed to 5.79% of total sales volume and 3.00% to total sales. Quantity sold decreased
Company’s working capital is indirectly subsidized via trade creditor in form of loan and via business partners in form of raw material supported for production (under Collateral Management Agreement – CMA
Analysis | 2 Executive Summary In 3Q2018, domestic palm oil production has increased as in other countries, in addition, stock of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) both in Thailand and International market has remained
Crude Oil from other country and also support stability of the power business of Thailand. The Company contemplates to expand its business to cover crude palm oil (CPOA) trading business for biodiesel and
the World Steel AssociationCs report on world crude steel production was 425.5 million tons in the Second-Quarter of 2017 and accumulated world crude steel production in the first half of 2017 was 836
2018, Cost of sales was 15,649 MTHB, increased by 209 MTHB comparing to 2017 or 1% as a result of greater main raw material prices despite of lower overall sales volume. Higher average Ethylene price
Ratios 19 P a g e | 3 - Management Discussion and Analysis 2Q2020 - Executive Summary In 2Q2020, crude palm oil (CPO) price was higher than 2Q2019 caused by the implementation of biodiesel B10 as the