requirement by the Bank of Thailand with the capital adequacy ratio as of end of March 2021 at 16.75%. For Capital market business, the market share (SET and mai excluding proprietary trading) of Kiatnakin
needs and getting to know various financial products. Also, information to share with the visitors includes how to plan asset allocation with risk diversification; properly select securities companies
needs and getting to know various financial products. Also, information to share with the visitors includes how to plan asset allocation with risk diversification; properly select securities companies
2019. For Capital market business, the market share (SET and mai excluding proprietary trading) of Phatra Securities Plc. (PSEC) increased to 10.30% from 9.61% in 2019, ranking 1st from total 38 brokers
funds which includes plain vanilla funds and passive ETF. Both regulators are expecting to conclude the discussion and sign the MoU within the second quarter this year before cross-border offerings
accounting period.Since corporate profit has impact on share price and investment decision, investors should study the information and potential impact thoroughly. Moreover, in case of significant transaction
The SEC has announced the Master Blueprint for Thai capital market, which includes the launch of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) as the new digital platform for capital market transactions to
is above the minimum requirement by the Bank of Thailand with the capital adequacy ratio as of end of 3Q20 at 18.16%. For Capital market business, the market share (SET and mai excluding proprietary
. The Guidebook also incorporates globally recognized tools and frameworks on impact measurement and management which businesses can refer to in their corporate reporting process on their positive
gained hands-on experience in a competition of share trading in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This exclusive activity was intended to give our clients the utmost satisfaction, which will make THE PREMIER