ecosystem • Poise Thai companies for impact success as they integrate management practices to support reporting/compliance initiatives. • Build awareness through dissemination and knowledge sharing
remains high, and gross refinery margin improved from the increase of crack spread for all products, along with a record of inventory gain from rising average crude oil price during the quarter. Marketing
. - The opinion of the Audit Committee and/or Director of the Company which differ from the opinion of Board of Directors -None- The Company provides this information for acknowledgement and dissemination
dividend payment, fixing date of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the record date to determine the shareholders entitled to attend the meeting and receive dividend and the dissemination of
for more than 12 months, the company will record allowance for doubtful debts for overdue receivables in full. Therefore, please be informed for this dissemination to investors and interested parties in
This is in response to a widely spread rumor in some brokers? dealing rooms in Bangkok and other provinces that, today, the 10% collateral requirement for cash account will be abolished. Mr
contain the spread of COVID-19 in late January on Wuhan and expand to other provinces afterwards along with the severity of the pandemic around the globe since late March played a significant role in
102 million and Baht 14 million in quarter 1 2020 and 2019, respectively. The details are as follow; 1. Loss from financial derivative of forward contract and forward option in quarter 1 2020 and 2019
still affected by the oil price volatility in the global market. Despite the crude oil price recovery, the average crack spread between finished product and referenced crude oil price continues to decline
spread (DTD/DB), and the improvement of Fuel Oil / Dubai (FO/DB) crack spread. However, due to the crude price drop in this quarter, there was an inventory loss of THB 1,010 million, leading to an EBITDA