reduction, capital increase, issuance and offering of warrants to purchase ordinary shares, edit the agenda and change the venue of the 2020 AGM and amend the connected transaction size 30/03/2020 19:49
efficient waste management within their organizations and reduction of waste that cannot be reused or recycled to the minimum. We also hope our collective efforts will set a good example and inspire
efficiency, reduce costs, enhance transparency and strengthen competitiveness of business operators. In addition, investors and issuers will benefit from cost reduction and convenient access to capital
ตามมาตรฐานของประเทศไทย (Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program หรือ “T-VER”) ซึ่งเป็นหนึ่งในกลไกของประเทศไทยในการสนับสนุนการลดการปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจกภาคสมัครใจ การอบรมครั้งนี้ยังครอบคลุมถึงความรู้
redundancy reduction, as well as effective information management. This would ultimately propel target groups? knowledge and healthy financial habits.Mr. Vorapol added that ?The cooperation and resources from
reduction of annual fee, etc.” ________________________
of 1.4% Q-o-Q, but a reduction of approximately 2.7% Y-o-Y, while sales revenue in USD terms grew by 5.3% Q-o-Q and 7.7% Y-o-Y. The slight Sales growth in Baht terms was due to the THB's strengthening
and representing an decrease 48.67%. The revenue form services business of the 2nd quaternary for the year 2017 was MTHB. 833.76.This was because from reduction of the revenue construction works of
14.43 million compared to the previous year as a result of the reduction in the administrative expenses 7 . Remunerations of directors and executive officers were Baht 15.17 million decreasing by million
payment, capital reduction and increase, issuance and offering of warrants (EP-W4) to the existing shareholders and Schedule for the AGM 2022. (Amendment No.2) 01/03/2022 20:36 Notifications of the