, revenue from hotel operations increased slightly despite a drop in average occupancy rate at Hilton Pattaya stood, from 94% in the previous year to 93%, and at Centara Hotel and Convention Center Udonthani
่convention hall พื้นทีส่ ือ่ และพื้นที่ โปรโมชัน่ โดยท าการตลาดเชงิกจิกรรมหลากหลายรูปแบบในทกุศนูยก์ารคา้ การบรหิารตน้ทนุการด าเนนิงานไดอ้ยา่งมปีระสทิธภิาพ ตน้ทุนการด าเนินงานที่ลดลง เป็นผลจากการบริหารตน้ทุนค่า
Agreement to lease and manage the 204 room Centara Hotel and Convention Center located at the Government Complex, Chaengwattana, for which rights the Company won the bidding in September and which Agreement
average room occupancy at Hilton Pattaya Hotel stood at 93%, lower than the previous year at 98%, and largely due to lower number of tourist stays. The average room occupancy at Centara Hotel and Convention
. (February 2019) 4. The Company and Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) have cooperated to make the campaign “Fly & Meet Double Bonus – Redefined” to attract groups of traveler: MICE, organization
) 4. The Company and Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) have cooperated to make the campaign “Fly & Meet Double Bonus – Redefined” to attract groups of traveler: MICE, organization and
at Centara Hotel and Convention Center Udonthani stood at 67%, a decline from the previous year at 73% as customers wait and see the clarity of government establishment in common with the average room
occupancy rate at Hilton Pattaya stood at 92%, a decrease from 97% in the previous year, and that of Centara Hotel and Convention Center Udonthani stood at to 72%, a decrease from 78% in the previous year
1Q20, the average room occupancy at Hilton Pattaya Hotel stood at 61%, lower than the previous year at 93%, as tourism softened. The average room occupancy at Centara Hotel and Convention Center
รองรับสถำนะทำงกฎหมำยของลำยมือ ชืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ อนุสัญญำว่ำด้วยกำรใช้กำรติดต่อสือสำรทำงอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ในสัญญำระหว่ำงประเทศ ( United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in