TISCO ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 20/05/2014 - 30/05/2014
Type of securities : Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) | Effective Date : 22/10/2015 | Close Selling Date : 30/10/2015
transaction: Renewal of a hotel management advisor agreement 30/03/2021 19:21 Connected transaction: Renewal of the property management contract 18/12/2020 17:38 Connected transaction with regard to hotel
Contract that is not subject to the Act, BE 2546 derivatives.
Contract That Is Not Subject to the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003) (No. 3)
Contract that is not subject to the Act, BE 2546 derivatives.
contract of land lease with factory building and the Machinery purchase agreement (Additional) 23/09/2020 09:27 The Information of the Connected Transaction Remark: Data will be displayed within 3 years
futures Futures is a contract where both the buyer and seller have an obligation to comply with the agreement in the contract. Therefore, if the contract is not closed out before the settlement date, the
futures Futures is a contract where both the buyer and seller have an obligation to comply with the agreement in the contract. Therefore, if the contract is not closed out before the settlement date, the
. The characteristics of futures Futures is a contract where both the buyer and seller have an obligation to comply with the agreement in the contract. Therefore, if the contract is not closed out before