of the Government. According to the increased of the market competition both of the competitor and the pricing, some projects could not continue to extend the services. 2.2 Revenue from Contact Center
of the market competition both of the competitor and the pricing, some project could not continue to extend the services. However, the Private sector’s customer has continued growth, both from new
million or 1.7% when compared to the same period of prior year. It was mainly decreased from the customers of the Government. According to the increased of the market competition both of the competitor and
. According to the increased of the market competition both of the competitor and the pricing, some projects could not continue to extend the services. However, the Private sector’s customer has continued
Government. According to the increased of the market competition both of the competitor and the pricing, some project could not continue to extend the services. 2.2 Revenue from Contact Center Facility
Bt798.65mn, decreasing 5.2% YoY and 2.5% QoQ. The YoY decreased was mainly from declining in mobile top up value which the result of 3 factors: The competitor, the campaign “prepaid to postpaid” of mobile
products that has not yet the competitor. And has been researching and good testing. 4. Details of acquired assets Details of the BS Myco Biotech Company Limited as follows: 4.1 General information
increased use of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks as Thailand follows a global trend. The nonferrous mining segment in our key export market Laos remains strong however as a new competitor comes on stream
fast-changing and globalising world, information material to investor decision-making is becoming increasingly diverse and dynamic. Long-term success in managing a business in today’s complex economic
high performance paints. The proceeds from the capital increase will be used for the Company's core business. In addition, the IGE's business is not a competitor to its major shareholders. As the major