beneficial to the operation of SEC Caravan to Provincial Areas project driven by and with the collaboration of the province and local agencies concerned, and the major issues are concluded as follows
IPO approval from the SEC. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said that for Thailand to strive forward and compete internationally, development must be driven nationwide. The SEC thus
framework with the belief that the business sector being driven by the framework of the guiding principles will be strengthened in the management of operational risk. More importantly, the operations of
unable to analyze and compare such information efficiently. Meanwhile securities brokers are concentrating more on portfolio advisory and offering more technology-driven services. Given this changing
จนการพัฒนาบุคลากรและวัฒนธรรมองค์กรในด้านข้อมูล เป็นพื้นฐานสำคัญ ในการนำไปสู่การเป็นองค์กรที่ขับเคลื่อนด้วยข้อมูล (Data Driven Organization) อย่างแท้จริง นอกจากนี้ ก.ล.ต. มีแผนในการยกระดับการพัฒนา
sustainable development. This shift in recognition of society, environment and corporate governance has been driven by the fact that no business could survive the collapse of society and thus, has to extend its
have laws about this already” – Agencies are staffed by lawyers, not software engineers – Enforcement is very, very difficult • When regulation comes to crypto, it will likely be voluntary, driven by
opportunities, enhancing competitiveness, and building market infrastructures for the digital age. ?The SEC is becoming an adaptive regulator for the future of data-driven supervision whereby responses to change
customers. 14 SME Business Aspiring to become a Total Solution Provider for our SME customers, KBank focuses on solid teamwork among our Relationship Managers (RMs), who are well-versed in KBank products
critical in driving more disclosure from corporates and financial institutions, raising awareness of the TCFD recommendations and shaping ambitious policy. Environmental disclosure is now widely accepted as