and advertising revenue as a result of economic slowdown and political uncertainty in Thailand. Revenue from print media and advertising for the first quarter 2019 was 153.8 million baht compared to
Public Company Limited Comparing financial position in the second quarter of 2019 and the first of 2019, the Company has strong financial position among of the domestic economic uncertainty. The total
Limited Comparing financial position in the second quarter of 2019 and the first of 2019, the Company has strong financial position among of the domestic economic uncertainty. The total assets increased
ended of 2018, the Company has strong financial position among of the domestic economic uncertainty. The total assets increased 3,222.72 million baht or 6.78%. The net of total hire purchase loans
the 2020 economy will decrease from -5.3% to - 8.1%, causing overall market uncertainty. The Company has adapted to support the situation by considering investing in the educational loan business. Under
, the Company has strong financial position among of the domestic economic uncertainty. The total assets increased 3,222.72 million baht or 6.78%. The net of total hire purchase loans increased 3,195.18
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