throughout the periods . b) Right of Use (ROU) is at present value at the same amount as the lease liability and is depreciated over the contract life on a straight line basis. The amounts of adjustment were
throughout the periods . b) Right of Use (ROU) is at present value at the same amount as the lease liability and is depreciated over the contract life on a straight line basis. The amounts of adjustment were
. The remuneration plans to each partner of the firm do not reflect the performance evaluation which essentially referred to the quality of work. The documentation to support the adjustment, either upward
the CRA. 3.3 A CRA should disclose a material modification to a credit rating methodology prior to the modification taking effect unless doing so would negatively impact the integrity of a credit rating
กันความเสียหายจากการถูกแกไข ขอมูล (Modification) เชน การถูกแกไขจํ านวนหุน หรือราคาหุนของลูกคาระหวางทางที่กํ าลังสงขอมูล ผานเครือขายไปยังบริษัทหลักทรัพย การแกไขขอมูลของลูกคาในฐานขอมูลโดย
upon any members of executive committee (its agent), managing director (its agent) regarding the determination, and alteration of the date, time, and venue of the Extraordinary General Meeting of
customers to instantly view. This is all done without requiring the staff at forecourt to move between the customer vehicle and the payment point, increasing convenience and the speedy of service. Also
its subsidiaries (the “Company”) has recently submitted the reviewed interim financial statements for the period ended 30 September 2017 to the Stock Exchange of Thailand with a view to share the
Exchange of Thailand with a view to share the information with general investors. The key indicators and changes regarding to the operating performance and financial status are as follows: 1. Operating
projects The management maintain positive view onThailand's economic growth, which evaluated from the Company’s customers database and reports from the Bank of Thailand(BOT). BOTexpectsthat the