มี.ค. 2565 กลุ่ม Early Adoption บจ. ที่น าส่ง One Report (Early Adoption) จ านวน 169 บริษัท ส าหรบับจ. ทั้งหมด* ข้อมูล Structured Data / Structured Report Upload ไฟล์ One Report รายละเอยีดการจดัท า
volatility, effectively assume this risk. Structured securities are complex instruments, typically involve a high degree of risk and are intended for sale only to sophisticated investors who are capable of
Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign Securities NVDR Preferred
Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign Securities NVDR Preferred
Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign Securities NVDR Preferred
Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign Securities NVDR Preferred
Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign Securities NVDR Preferred
Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign Securities NVDR Preferred
Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign Securities NVDR Preferred
Securitization Debenture Bond Basel Convertible Debenture IC Bond SUKUK Structured Debenture Common share (LiVEx) DR-Common share Depositary Receipt DR-Convertible debenture Depository Receipt Representing Foreign