Group The Group has principally engaged in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical
conditions, of CSL (CS LOXINFO). The conditions mainly involve the deal approvals from THCOM and Singtel, the two major shareholders of CSL, and the NBTC. The tender offer at a price of Bt7.80/share shall be
of operations of the Group The Group has principally engage in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system
principally engaged in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical business which dialysis
กองทุนจัดตั้ง ในลักษณะ master fund ไดและบางบริษทัจัดการไดจัดตั้ง sub fund ที่ลงทุนในทรัพยสินประเภทเดียว (“pure asset”) เพื่อใหมีความคลองตัวในการบริหารจัดการลงทุนโดยใหผูจัดการกองทนุที่มีความชํานาญใน
. In the event that all or a proportion of the proceeds are or may be used for refinancing, it is recommended that issuers provide an estimate of the share of financing vs. re-financing, and where
issuer. In the event that all or a proportion of the proceeds are or may be used for refinancing, it is recommended that issuers provide an estimate of the share of financing vs. re-financing, and where
Distribution of Newly Issued Shares and Share Warrants by Issuer
เคร่ืองด่ืมเท่ากบั 7,085 ลา้นบาท โดยมีสาเหตุหลกัมาจากตลาดชาพร้อมด่ืม (RTD tea market) และตลาดชาเขียวพร้อมด่ืม (Pure RTD green tea market) มีมูลค่าลดลงประมาณ 10.8% และ 5.7% ตามล าดบั อยา่งไรก็ตาม
ratio and high current ratio. In this quarter, methyl ester plant 1 had been tested for producing fatty acid methyl ester type 2 (B100 High Pure) and the plant can produce such product which its