ให้เป็นหนึ่งในผลงานสำคัญ (key deliverables) ของภาคการเงิน ในวาระการเป็นประธานอาเซียนของไทย ภายใต้แนวคิด “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability" โดยได้รับการรับรองจากที่ประชุมรัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงการ
Community (AEC), and the advancing digital age amid the rapid pace of technological advancement, thus leading to changing customer behavior, regulatory changes and life platform-driven competition. Given the
expected to increase further, following the acceleration in the disbursement on infrastructure projects. In addition, the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) projects has been progressing
sector remained challenged by new modes of competition in a broader marketplace amid the advancing digital age and its rapid pace of technological advancement. Businesses have also had to cope with Thai
PowerPoint Presentation MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q3/2018 GLOBAL POWER SYNERGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 0 THE INNOVATIVE POWER FLAGSHIP OF PTT GROUP Management Discussion & Analysis Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) Q3/2018 Executive Summary Executive Summary For Q3/2018, Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) (“the company”) earned a net profit of Baht 899 million, decreased by Baht 153 million or 15% from Q2/2018. The drop was due to the rise in natural gas prices...
. Nonetheless, the business sector remained challenged by new modes of competition, the broader marketplace amid the advancing digital age, regulatory changes, the rapid pace of technological advancement and fast
strong across-the-board growth. The business sector remained challenged by new modes of competition amid the advancing digital age and the rapid pace of technological advancement, together with the
Investor Strategies for Incorporating ESG Considerations into Corporate Interactions www.blackrock.com www.ceres.org Century21st Engagement Investor Strategies for Incorporating ESG Considerations into Corporate Interactions [ 5 ] FOREWORD The Value of Our Voice ......................................................................................................................................... 1 How ESG Megatrends Are Shaping Valuation ...........................................................