ก็ได ขอเสนอ : เห็นควรเพิม่เติมขอกําหนดในประกาศตลาดหลักทรัพยฯ ดังนี ้ • ขยายความ “การสอบทานใหบริษัทมกีารทํารายงานทางการเงิน อยางถูกตองเพียงพอ ใหรวมถึงการสอบทาน unusual items การเปลี่ยนแปลงนโยบาย
https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/3872se.pdf .... the Office in accordance with form and procedure together with supplementary documents as specified in the electronic work system of the Office. Clause 11 In
https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/3872se.pdf .... the Office in accordance with form and procedure together with supplementary documents as specified in the electronic work system of the Office. Clause 11 In
SEC has amended the procedure to make it easier for asset management companies to seek a unitholders’ resolution to revise or modify a mutual fund project and its management procedure by
of instruments while intermediaries and selling agents must have in place the procedure to ensure their clients? understanding of associated investment risks and returns before making investment
or falsifying documents. SEC has therefore issued regulations specifying suspicious circumstances and the procedure for obtaining facts relating to such circumstances to be in accordance with the
the registrar. The profit for the period therefore decreased as mentioned before. The Company has set procedure to solve the mentioned problem and believes that the ratio of net claim expenses over
the scheme, Mr. Sun Dongvanpakdee and three other persons who entered the settlement procedure on January 22, 2014 aided or abetted the aforesaid actions by allowing others to use their trading accounts
inconsistency with normal market condition. In the scheme, Mr. Sun Dongvanpakdee and three other persons who entered the settlement procedure on January 22, 2014 aided or abetted the aforesaid actions by allowing
normal market condition. In the scheme, Mr. Sun Dongvanpakdee and three other persons who entered the settlement procedure on January 22, 2014 aided or abetted the aforesaid actions by allowing others to