another person?s bank account. Wittaya?s actions were deemed interference with client assets and performing duties beyond the scope of his responsibilities. Both sanctions took effect on August 7, 2008.
Bangkok, August 13, 2008 ? The SEC conducted in June a public hearing on the revision of takeover regulations regarding the definition and scope of ?acting in concert? subject to reporting or tender
limit, and scope of operation and benefit seeking, as well as a requirement on the filing of fund management scheme and prospectus which must be jointly prepared by a financial advisor to obtain SEC
notes, Thai government debt instruments, other debt instruments and ordinary shares; 2) the guideline for assessing liquidity for fund investment overseas be updated and 3) the scope of application of
. Earlier, the SEC notified SINGHA to rectify its 2010 financial statements (submitted to the SEC on February 27, 2012) due to limitation of audit scope by the company?s management causing the auditor to
statements, earlier extended to May 31, 2012. Previously, the SEC ordered PRO to rectify its 2011 financial statements due to the limitation of audit scope by the company?s management on the matters concerning
related regulations have already been put in place, and will expand the scope of the related regulations to cover both inbound and outbound unit offerings in support of the HK-TH MRF project. The
its subsidiary?s building and equipment. CEI was further instructed to submit its annual financial statements for the period ending 31 July 2006 without scope limitation on the auditor?s examination
trading orders for one of his clients and, on some occasions, to have contradicted the client?s instructions. Weeraparn was briefed on a general scope of investment by the client who allowed him to send
misappropriation of and interference with client assets. In addition, handling securities conversion for clients was beyond the scope of responsibilities assigned by her employer securities company. Sutthasinee?s