) Natural gas (SPP) Maintenance fee Other raw materials Others Cost of sales and services (exclude depreciation and amortization) (THB million) Industrial and chilled water +9% YoY +14% QoQ -4% YoY Management
หรือฐานขอ้มูลภายใน เชน่ ระบบ E-mail / Web Application เป็นตน้ • Mobile push mail โปรดระบุจ านวนบุคลากรทีใ่ชอุ้ปกรณ์ดังกล่าว.................... • Laptop/PC โปรดระบุจ านวนบุคลากรทีใ่ชอุ้ปกรณ์ดังกล่าว
ข้อมูลภายใน เช่น ระบบ E-mail / Web Application เป็นต้น · · Mobile push mail โปรดระบุจำนวนบุคลากรที่ใช้อุปกรณ์ดังกล่าว.................... · · Laptop/PC โปรดระบุจำนวนบุคลากรที่ใช้อุปกรณ์ดังกล่าว
of raw materials with Union Gas and Chemicals Co., Ltd. in 2004. SEC Act S.315 Criminal Complaint Filed with an Inquiry Official Dated 16/01/2014
. Pirom Priyawat to misappropriate 80.1 million Baht from Rayong Wire Industries, an Eastern Wire subsidiary, through a contract for advanced procurement of raw materials with Union Gas and Chemicals Co
advanced procurement of raw materials with Union Gas and Chemicals Co., Ltd. in 2004, and made a false representation of accounting information. The public prosecutor issued a non-prosecution order. The case
for advanced procurement of raw materials with Union Gas and Chemicals Co., Ltd. in 2004, and made a false representation of accounting information. SEC Act S.307 311 312 313 Criminal Complaint
Baht or 5.72% compared to same period of 2017) due to the declining in raw water sales volume and net profit attributable to Equity holders of the parent company was 580.63 million Baht, decreased by
decrease by 75.88 million Baht or 2.47% compared to same period of 2017) due to the declining in raw water sales volume and net profit attributable to Equity holders of the parent company was 881.03 million
1 - TRANSLATION - VS/PC (Q-Con) 026/2017 July 27th, 2017. Attention Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject : Management Discussion and Analysis the second quarter ended 30 June 2017