globally. 3 The launch of the ‘i-Lead’ and ‘Shadow’ internal leadership programs reiterated our attention towards en- hancing internal capability and strengthening our management bench strength. The Board of
globally. 3 The launch of the ‘i-Lead’ and ‘Shadow’ internal leadership programs reiterated our attention towards en- hancing internal capability and strengthening our management bench strength. The Board of
truly has knowledge and expertise in as the strength, which consists of printing media (Bangkok Business Post, The Nation, and Kom Chad Luek), organizing of related activities, television business
Company shall pursue its strategy and policy, focusing on the core business operation that the Company truly has knowledge and expertise in as the strength, which consists of printing media (Bangkok
deposits declining from the end of last year as a result. Regarding the quality of loans, the ratio of non-performing loan (NPL) to total loans slightly increased from the end of 2018 to 3.0 percent. V3 22
deposits in the second quarter of 2018 continued to expand at a similar rate. The loan to deposit ratio (LDR) has risen from the previous year. As the loan quality began to stabilize, the ratio of gross non
year. As the loan quality was relatively stable, the ratio of gross non-performing loans (NPL) to total loans was 2.9 percent, nearly the same level at the end of 2017. The Bank of Thailand’s Senior Loan
2020, deposits grew at a higher rate than loans and, as a result, the ratio of loans to deposits declined from the end of last year. The ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) to total loans is likely to
time outside and its strength as being a media which is able to build on brand awareness amongst a wide audience which made it more attractive to media customers. MACO outperformed the overall industry
” outlook, which reflects the company’s financial strength and low operating risks. In addition, TRIS Rating assigned the company rating of Universal Utilities PLC at “A-” with “stable” outlook, which