ภายใต้การกำกับดูแล (positive list) เพื่อความเหมาะสมในการกำกับดูแล (2) การปรับปรุงหลักการกำกับดูแลการออกและเสนอขายสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลในตลาดแรก (ซึ่งไม่มีลักษณะของการระดมทุนและไม่มีความคาดหวังความสำเร็จ
adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent transactions to cash, deferred income tax assets, intangible assets and Other non-current assets
between the periods. - Biological assets increased by Baht 4.06 million, due to the adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent
to the adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent transactions to cash, deferred income tax assets, intangible assets and Other non
. - Biological assets increased by Baht 4.87 million, due to the adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent transactions to cash, deferred
, due to the adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent transactions to cash, deferred income tax assets and assets not used in
Q1’20 and there were the depreciation of Baht 31.50 million between the periods. - Biological assets increased by Baht 2.56 million, due to the adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the
cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent transactions to cash, deferred income tax assets, intangible assets and Other non-current assets (Unit: Million Baht) Liabilities
assets increased by Baht 1.78 million, due to the adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent transactions to cash, deferred income tax
million during the period. - Biological assets increased by Baht 1.32 million, due to the adjustment of fair value of the dairy cattle in the subsidiaries. - Other assets were mostly cash and equivalent