driven by improving domestic economic conditions, bouyant exports and the tourism sector. The market expects private consumption to have expanded, with higher spending on durable goods – particularly
4.00%. The main reason is to the improving budget cost control which mention above. Additional, increasing of employee’s expenses & compensations. And finance cost from short-term loan for projects
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undertake more varieties of businesses, while welcoming newcomers and advanced technology to serve investors? increasing demands. In addition, efficiency of legal enforcement will be enhanced by improving
trustworthy and proactive organization, improving the Thai capital market to become an increasingly efficient and significant source of financing, and in parallel, increasing contributions to the country's
. Supervision of Mutual Fund Management and Fund Voting 4/10 • Enhancing mutual fund management supervision for better protection of unitholders’ interests • Improving fund voting mechanism for asset management
million baht as of May 31, 2022, increased by 2% from as of February 28, 2022 due to increase of number of credit cards and spending and relaxing disease prevention of COVID-19. This can be categorized by
of foreign tourists continued to increase due to the relaxing of outbreak control measures and international travel restrictions. As the result, the commerce and service sectors recovered and the
while also improving efficiency in the Conglomerate’s risk and reserve management as well as capital adequacy and liquidity position assessment for improvement of the Conglomerate’s forward-looking and