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. The current version of the EU Taxonomy includes hard-to-abate activities but does not give adequate guidance on how they can transition to meet a transition pathway. China's green bond market is
service (e-KYC) Expanding 2 new businesses: Personal Loan/Nano Finance and the service station for charging/replacing battery for electric motorcycle The company emphasizes the efficiency of Boonterm
Service through 7-11 nationwide. Totalling, we have more than 60,000 cashing channels. 3 - Hire Purchase In the fiscal year 2016, hire purchase (motorcycle, electrical appliances, mobile phone and etc
and electronics authentication services (e- KYC) on Boonterm kiosk, drop and pick up any parcel in Boonterm Post, electric motorcycle charging and battery replacement service stations (EV Charger
) kiosk, Boonterm Post and electric motorcycle charging and battery replacement service stations (EV Motorcycle Charger station) Expanding to 2 new businesses, namely Personal Loan / Nano Finance Business
is a transaction of which NDR expects immediately benefit because FKRMM has been a customer of NDR for more than 10 years, and has continuously increase in sales of motorcycle of tires and tubes in
expand the Malaysian market share and retain the existing customers. Moreover, FKRMM was a motorcycle tire and tube manufacturer, therefore its personnel not only has expertise in market distribution but
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