statement for the third quarter in 2018 reported a net profit of 2.6 million baht more than the third quarter in 2017 at 98.0 percent and the Company’s net profit margin equal to 0.09 percent. Thus, the
the first quarter of 2018 equal to 37.0 million Baht, an increasing from the first quarter in 2017 1.6%. Major components of an increasing in employee remuneration and selling expenses from the business
had service and administrative expenses for the first quarter of 2019 equal to 26.0 million Baht, a decreasing from the first quarter in 2018 29.7%. The company reduces its expenses under cost reduction
had service and administrative expenses for the first quarter of 2020 equal to 27.1 million baht, a decreasing from the first quarter in 2019 3.3%. Management Discussion and Analysis Q1/2020 Page 3/4
millio llion baht o er income b unted recei t of the Com debt that th lion baht du ntech Co., L was 1,001. iod last yea creasing of equal to 15 percent as service cos m the same n as a resu ent the 3rd q
decrease from the same period last year 78.6 million Baht or 2.9% decreasing with details of income as follows: 1. Revenue from contracts with customers is equal to 229.6 million baht decreasing from the
0.03% of NTA was equal to 0.71 million Baht and the 3% of NTA was equal to 70.89 million Baht. Therefore, the said connected transaction must be approved by the Board of Directors and disclosed the
millio in equal to 4 solidated fina t, which was of 4.4 percen kably succes nd compare w rst quarter in second qua to be a net p on of the grou on the perfo of Profit and me from debt others rvice
size is more than or equal to Baht 20 million or more than or equal to 3% of NTA whichever is higher. However, this loan transaction is based on the shareholding proportion which could be approved by the
equal to 1.95% of compensation value, and the combining the value of asset acquisition during 6 months is equal to 6.34%. The transaction is also the middle size of related transaction of listed company