), the company has an income from transportation services. For the 3 months ending on 30 September 2019 is equivalent to 280.51 million Baht. It has decreased from last year at the amount of 16.55 million
will be given to the roles of executives responsible for finance and accounting. Information disclosure format will be revised to be more interesting, concise and user-friendly. Rules on material and
(including energy production and distribution, transportation, and water), and are active in other areas. They include a number of large financial institutions, with about 30 percent of banking assets. (Annex
revised to be more interesting, concise and user-friendly. Rules on material and related party transactions have been amended in line with those of the regional markets. Promotion of shareholders? voting
%(y-o-y) from 52.7 million passengers in 1H/2018. For the total multi-products fuel transportation volume of FPT was increased by 10.5%(y-o-y) to 1,212 million liters due to the Northern Pipeline
สาเหตุเกิดจากรายไดจ้ากการบริการของบริษทัท่ีเพิ่มข้ึนตามกลยทุธ์ ของบริษทัท่ีวางแผนไว ้และ เม่ือวนัท่ี 4 มกราคม 2561 บริษทัได้ด าเนินการซ้ือหุ้นสามญัของ Universal Worldwide หนา้ 2 จาก 5 Transportation
/2020) In the Q3/ 2 0 2 0 , the company performed consistently good performance from the previous quarter. The transportation of electronic products has also increased significantly. In addition, products
22.4% in the same period of last year. 2. In Q1 2018, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 356 MB, increased by 48 MB or 15.7% comparing to 2017 due to higher transportation, warehouse and commercial
transportation in the domestic transport by land and the cost of dialysis liquid manufacturing, which there were no the mentioned costs in the 1st Quarter, 2017 as well as the company is expanding the business in
land transportation services In addition, the major customers changed the use of services from the sea freight service to the land transportation service. Revenue from logistics management services has