Cash Flow of $261 million (THB 8.3 billion) Indorama Ventures 1st Quarter 2019 MD&A 2 1Q 2019 Summary Financials Table 1: Core Financials of Consolidated Business Quarterly Last Twelve Months $million
Analysis | 2 Executive Summary In 2Q2018, Domestic palm oil production has increased as well as in other countries, consequence to lower Crude Palm Oil (CPO) prices and Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) prices
$819 million, up 33% YoY Earnings Per Share of THB 4.61, +16% YoY Operating Cash Flow of $1.0 billion 2019 Earnings Guidance reaffirmed Indorama Ventures 2018 MD&A 2 2018 Summary Financials Table 1
million baht or 1.85 percent. Cash Flow The net cash flow at the beginning of the period of 9M19 amounted to 21.20 million baht. The Company booked the net cash flow from operating at 42.00 million baht and
million baht. Cash Flow The Company’s net operating cash flow dropped by 24.32 million baht. The net cash flow used for investment activities fell by 4.70 million baht, while the net cash flow from
back expected +4-5% range. We expect the overall burnt and crude product market contraction in 2020 and expansion in 2021 to be in the same range. This being said, we do not expect further major
license in contravention of Section 16 of the Derivatives Act B.E.2546 (2003). In response to several complaints that O.L.T. Enterprise?s employees had solicited the general public to invest in crude
clients to use the company?s services to invest in overseas crude oils, the SEC raided the company?s office at 33/54, 12th floor, Wall Street Tower, Suriyawongse Road, Bangrak District, Bangkok and the
solicited its clients to use the company?s services to invest in overseas crude oils, which caused the clients to suffer damages, the SEC raided the company?s office at 170, 11st Floor, Ocean Tower 1, Room No
of loss from onerous project contract in the amount of THB 32.19 million as a result of variation of current raw material price from quotation price. However, this transaction would be reviewed in the