the business and environment are alleviated and beneficial opportunities are realized. Agribusiness insurance: insurance protection designed to protect businesses that earn all or most of their revenue
to their beneficiaries and clients, and thereby also help support the positive economic performance of companies and the broad markets in which they invest, helping foster sustainable growth and job
Identification And Beneficial Ownership For The Securities Industry และ Anti-Money Laundering Guidance for Collective Investment Schemes จึงขอเปิดโอกาสให้บริษัทหลักทรัพย์และผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ
of enterprises which are environmentally beneficial in the following issues: (1) solutions to reduce pollution; (2) promotion of biodiversity conservation; and (3) measures against the adverse
restrictions or obstacles in business operations in order to prescribe rules which are appropriate, practical and beneficial to stakeholders. This revision of notifications is not applicable to securities
the development of the application that would be beneficial for investors, with which basic information can be convenient found and inspected. This application is another one of the measures
management companies must not charge the funds an advertisement fee, except that the advertisement is evenly beneficial to the funds and all unit holders. Also, the companies must not charge the funds for the
also beneficial to the firms? readiness for more intensified competition and challenges in the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community.SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak revealed that ?Yesterday, the
feasibility of supporting expenses for human resource development, investor base expansion and IT system development in order to raise the business operating standards which will be beneficial to the
of expenditure. Meanwhile, it would be very beneficial if the industry adopts CSR in process to banking business operations. Moreover, banking industry may further some of the SEC projects to promote