of securities trading by cash, under margin loans and a pledged asset receivable, i.e. the cash deposited as collateral with a securities lending creditor or the securities depository center and other
creditor or the securities depository center and other receivables such as a receivable of securities trading by cash who fail to pay within due period or a receivable pending under a composition proceeding
offered under this initial public offering only for a period of 5 years from the date of Trust’s sub-leasehold right becomes effective and not less than the covenant in loan agreement. If the Lender
, with the loan amount of THB 400,000,000, for a period of 5 years, with Mr. Nirum as the lender, and then entered into a loan agreement dated February 29, 2016, with the loan amount of THB 30,000,000, for
, with the loan amount of THB 400,000,000, for a period of 5 years, with Mr. Nirum as the lender, and then entered into a loan agreement dated February 29, 2016, with the loan amount of THB 30,000,000, for
“Mahachai Group”). The Company entered into a loan agreement dated February 17, 2014, with the loan amount of THB 400,000,000, for a period of 5 years, with Mr. Nirum as the lender, and then entered into a
. The Related Parties and Relationship with J.S.P.Property Public Company Limited Lender : Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon and/or the connected person including related and close relatives Relationship : The major
. The Related Parties and Relationship with J.S.P.Property Public Company Limited Lender : Mr. Pongsak Sawatyanon and/or the connected person including related and close relatives Relationship : The major
temporary working capital in the business operation. Currently, GSTEL is in the process of obtaining loan facilities from the new lender. Upon the funding completion, the short term loan will be promptly
used as its temporary working capital in the business operation. Currently, the Company is in the process of obtaining loan facilities from the new lender. Upon the funding completion, the short term