% 5,324 63.6% Tax expense 2,588 1.3% 835 0.4% 1,753 210.0% Profit from continuing operations 11,105 5.4% 7,534 4.0% 3,571 47.4% Loss for the period from discontinued operations, net of tax(5) (1,073) (0.5
held for discontinued operations 2 consisting of properties investment, deposit for purchase of assets, deferred income tax and other non-current assets 3 Consists of accounts payable for purchase of
% Profit from continuing operations 1,658 3.1% 1,279 2.5% 379 29.6% Loss for the period from discontinued operations, net of tax(5) - 0.0% (1) 0.0% 1 (100.0%) Profit for the period 1,658 3.1% 1,278 2.5% 379
for the year from discontinued operations. - - - - - (8) 8 100% Profit (loss) attributable to Equity holders of the Company 158 9 149 1650% 309 176 134 76% Earnings per share (THB/share) 0.26 0.02 0.25
% Administrative expenses 130 153 (23) -15.2% Impairment loss in goodwill 53 - 53 100% Profit for the year 225 308 (83) -27% Net loss for the year from discontinued operations. - (8) 8 100% Profit (loss
discontinued while overall data price gradually uplifted. As a result, AIS’s mobile revenue had a strong improvement, growing 5.3% YoY and 4.3% QoQ driven by ARPU increase. The average data usage, currently at
increased by 125%. Including, the loss from discontinued operations for the year 2018 of Baht 269.24 million, the group represented a net profit of Baht 290.50 million compared to the same period of 2017, the
Characteristic of transaction: Invest in a registered company Investment Objective: To create an opportunity to expand automatic service machine business Investment value 11.15 million Baht The size of the
”) Buyer: Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) PCL. (“CCET”) Type of fixed asset 1 sets of 3D Microscope, 3 sets of Automatic J1 Pressing fixture and 2 sets of Laser Sensors 4 years of lifetime and 1.10 of used
หลักทรัพย์จดทะเบียนโดยอัตโนมัติ ( Automatic List) และมีหลักทรัพย์อ้างอิง ( Underlying Asset ) เป็นหุ้นสามัญ หุ้นบุริมสิทธิ ใบสำคัญแสดงสิทธิ หรือใบสำคัญแสดงสิทธิในการซื้อหุ้นเพิ่มทุนที่โอนสิทธิได้ที่จด