the disclosure of such information to the Stock Exchange of Thailand, at least according to List (2) 1, 2, 3, 5(3), 7 and 8 attached to the Notifications on Acquisition or Disposal of Assets. 4. Details
tangible asset of the Company, the Company is required to prepare an Information Memorandum on the Connected Transaction disclosing details relating to the Transaction to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET
million baht but does not exceed 20 million baht and less than 3% of Net tangible asset of the Company, the Company is required to prepare an Information Memorandum on the Connected Transaction disclosing
price dumping, and (4) disclosing relevant information to assist investors in making informed investment decisions. In this context, the SET’s Board of Governors may adjust and implement the above
empowerment by promoting gender equality and women’s roles in social development. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s 20-Year National Strategy (2017- 2036) 7 Thailand’s Corporate Governance (CG) Code on
transportation limitations as well. Such actions above may be liable to concealing material information or disclosing misleading information in contravention of the Securities Law. The SEC is instructing EARTH
Securities PLC, {D} of KTB Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd., {E} of Globlex Securities Co., Ltd., and {F} of Classic Gold Futures Co., Ltd., effective from September 29, 2012, and disclosing {G}'s inappropriate
locations, and the SPAR convenience store increased by 2 locations, compared to the previous quarter. Within this quarter, 2 more Inthanin Coffee locations Management Discussion and Analysis of Business
., Ltd. are still developing and expanding the business of the SPAR supermarket and convenience store, and Inthanin coffee shop. Thus, as of Q1/2018, there are altogether 457 branches of Inthanin coffee
. Therefore, as of the end of Q2/2018 there was a total of 492 branches of Inthanin Coffee shops and 35 branches of the SPAR convenience store. 6. Bangchak Retail Co., Ltd. saw increase in revenue from branch