/ข้อมูลตลาดทุน > ข้อมูลตลาดทุน > บริษัทที่ออกเสนอขายโทเคนดิจิทัล https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/MARKETDATA/ICO-TOKEN-DIGITAL.aspx Thai Climate-related Risk Management for Asset Managers Thai Climate
payment) โดยทำผ่านระบบ Bahtnet 2 ของธนาคารแห่งประเทศไทย จึงทำให้มีประเด็นที่ต้องพิจารณาว่าการทำธุรกรรมดังกล่าวยังมีความจำเป็นต้องคำนวณค่าความเสี่ยงกรณี settlement risk หรือไม่ สำนักงานพิจารณา
the definition to be Crypto Assets** that are created using cryptography method in a decentralized ledger network (Distributed Ledger Technology – DLTs) or similar technology instead of being defined
Climate-related Risk by Asset Managers ภาคสมัครใจ Voluntary 1 สารบัญ บทนำ 2 1. ขอบเขตของคู่มือฯ 4 2. Climate risk มีควมสำคัญกับธุรกิจจัดกรลงทุนอย่งไร 5 3. Climate risk ประกอบด้วยอะไรบ้ง 7 4. กรอบคำแนะนำของ
| - |- Approval & Qualifications (Section 25) |- Business Conduct (Section 18) | - |- Licensed Companies | - |- Registered Companies | - |- Know Your Clients | - |- Risk Disclosure | - |- Books & Records
rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board by failing to put in place sufficient and effective exhaustively comprehensive risk management
procedures as specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board by failing to put in place sufficient and effective system for managing mutual fund, market risk and liquidity risk of daily
Limited ("TMBAM eastspring") failed to order or act duty resulting in TMBAM eastspring failed to put in place sufficient and effective system for managing mutual fund, market risk and liquidity
the business operator according to the RLA (“Risk Level Assessment”) form, and submit the first results of such assessment to the SEC Office within 31 July 2023 However, KWI reported Risk Level
’ impact on the business operation of the business operator according to the RLA (“Risk Level Assessment”) form, and submit the first results of such assessment to the SEC Office within 31 July 2023 However