, selling expenses have decreased by 6.63% year-on-year. Most selling expenses vary according to sales. Core selling expenses are salaries, bonuses, sales staff commissions, travel and vehicle expenses of the
, employee and management benefits, office rental, travel expenses, and professional fees. In Quarter 1 of 2020, the decrease in administrative expenses is mainly due to (1) THB 0.59 million decrease in
-19 is therefore required to comply with the Social Distancing measures, resulting in reduced travel expenses abroad. Administrative expenses of the company for the three-month periods ended March 31
, travel expenses, and professional fees. In Quarter 2 of 2020, the decrease in administrative expenses is mainly due to (1) THB 0.59 million decrease from the expenses related to the preparation for listing
investment unit selling.The SEC led Thai private sector on a business trip to Japan in February to meet Japanese executives from both public and private sectors, aiming to strengthen collaboration with FSA
Product Design/Eco Design category at the DNA Paris Design Awards 2024. Milan Design Week 2024 showcased our journey with circular materials at Milan Design Week 2024 2021 ‘project initiation’ - material R
portfolio to 30% ▪1st stand-alone SR ▪Third-party Verify EGCO Sustainability Reporting Journey ▪2022 One Report ▪Launch EGCO SD Website SEC One Report writing standard is enforced. ▪1st One Report Reporting
Saving Measures The Company is strictly implementing cost saving measures to preserve its liquidity. • Cutting unnecessary expenses and maintain strict cost control e.g. suspension of staff travel
staff travel, consultants, staff training, and marketing and advertising activities, suspending new hires • Optimizing staff by using technology to promote work efficiency and reduce overtime expenses
Company has been providing COVID-19 screening, quarantine, and treatment services in order to collaborate with the government measures. In addition, after the government relaxed travel restriction by