areas with a high risk of COVID-19 transmission and limiting travel. Moreover, the government has introduced various stimulus measures and programs to boost spending, such as Co-Pay, the ‘Let’s Travel
contract that will cause the company all rights have been exercised this will be a high risk that the company will not be able to find new land and water resources in time. As a result, unable to produce tap
ลงทุนรายใหญ่ให้เทียบเท่าผู้ลงทุนสถาบัน เพื่อให้สามารถลงทุนในตราสารหนี้พวก high risk high return ได้มากขึ้น 3. การอนุญาตให้ใช้ issuer rating สำหรับการเสนอขายหุ้นกู้ทุกประเภท ยกเว้น หุ้นกู้ด้อยสิทธิ 4. การ
เหล่านี้ได้ทัน ในด้านผูล้งทุน พบว่าผู้ลงทุนมีพฤติกรรมที่หลากหลาย โดยกลุ่มผู้ลงทุนทั่วไปมักไม่ชอบอ่านและ ไม่ค่อยสนใจข้อมูลที่เปิดเผย ส่วนกลุ่มผู้ลงทุน high net worth ที่ส่วนใหญ่ลงทุนใน complex product แม้
selection which may cause assets of clients to be in a condition of low liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); (2) shall use the latest issuance of credit rating information made by the reliable credit
liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); (2) shall use the latest issuance of credit rating information made by the reliable credit rating agencies approved by the SEC Office in pursuant to the Notification
liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); (2) shall use the latest issuance of credit rating information made by the reliable credit rating agencies approved by the SEC Office in pursuant to the Notification
the countermeasures taken by the government to control social gathering activities, including travel restrictions and the closure of venues considered high-risk areas, the Thai economy in 2020 is
anti-money laundering authority as high risk business/ profession; (7) a client who is categorized as higher-risk categories by the anti-money laundering authorities or the Securities Industry
occupation or business is classified by anti-money laundering authority as high risk business/ profession; (7) a client who is categorized as higher-risk categories by the anti-money laundering authorities or