Microsoft Word - torchor_34_51_en_final Notification: (1) “underlying share,” “listed company,” “subsidiary company,” “institutional investor Microsoft Word - torchor_34_51_en_final Notification: (1) “underlying share,” “listed company,” “subsidiary company,” “institutional investor
+20.3% Export 296,827 313,576 -5.3% 858,787 849,982 +1.0% For the 3rd quarter of 2018, total vehicle production volume reported a 3.9% growth compared to last year, driven by strong domestic demands
holding various positions in agencies with an emphasis on equality, and (6) preventing and solving the problem of sexual harassment or assault in the workplace, enhancing knowledge, understanding of
-8.68% Gross Profit 396 533 -137 -25.72% Gross Profit Margin (%) 9.34% 11.24% -1.90% SG&A Expenses 310 300 10 3.48% EBIT before share of profit (loss) from Investment in Associates and Joint Venture 275
) if relevant - Sales mix (share of low-carbon or renewable energy in sales mix) Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), IPIECA Climate Change Mitigation Carbon Emissions 7, 13 Heat & Power - Scope 1-2
% Change Production 504,458 516,879 -2.40% 1,065,945 1,056,569 0.89% Domestic 260,221 252,025 3.25% 523,770 489,118 7.08% Export 260,020 266,730 -2.52% 559,861 561,960 -0.37% Total vehicle production volume
investment of the government, supporting program for less income people and the increasing of foreign tourism. The domestic sales of total vehicle were 237,093 units represent an increase of 12.6% when
: Thailand Automotive Industry Total vehicle production volume in Jan-Mar 2017 was 485,555 units, which was 4.2% lower than a production volume of 506,874 units during Jan-Mar 2016. This year-on-year decrease
. Notification of the Liquidation of Eternal 6 The Company would like to inform that the securitization project of Eternal 6 Special Purpose Vehicle Company Limited (“Eternal 6”), a subsidiary of the Company with