investment advice and providing service relating to trading investment units, mutatis mutandis, unless there is any provision in this Notification especially. Clause 7 Prior to accepting to be an agent for
pays the application fee and submits the payment evidence to the SEC Office. The SEC Office thus issues a letter accepting Form 61-1F into the process of granting approval. 1 day Accounting Supervision
Sale of Units of Foreign Collective Investment Scheme. Clause 7 Prior to accepting to be a selling agent of units of foreign collective investment scheme, a securities company shall arrange to have a
offering to facilitate merchants and businesses in accepting digital assets as payment for goods and services such as by setting up digital asset settlement systems. This may result in a wider adoption of
, starting from December 22, 2015. On other cases, {B} was found accepting orders to trade securities in a client's account from a person who was not the owner of the account without any written authorization
consultant and prohibited her re-entry as capital market personnel for 10 years, starting from December 22, 2015. On other cases, Nattapon was found accepting orders to trade securities in a client?s account
the clients’ information under Paragraph 1(3) is in process, the intermediary shall provide services to the clients with regard to accepting sale orders or clearing the outstanding positions of capital
accepting sale orders or clearing the outstanding positions of capital market products in the clients’ accounts only, unless the intermediary is prohibited from accepting the sale orders or clearing the
accepting sale orders or clearing the outstanding positions of capital market products in the clients’ accounts only, unless the intermediary is prohibited from accepting the sale orders or clearing the
company or the issuer of ETF units , as the case may be: (1) purchasing ETF units by using assets as a payment under the requirement of such ETF or; (2) reselling ETF units by accepting assets as a