volatility เพียงคาเดียวอาจ ไมเปนประโยชนตอการตัดสินใจของผูลงทุนเชนกัน เน่ืองจากไมเห็น trend ในอดีต ดังน้ัน เห็นควรกําหนดให issuer เปดเผย historical volatility อยางนอย 1 คา โดยใชขอมูล ยอนหลัง 90
วันที่ 15 ตุลาคม 2545 1 NO. (SUTHA-SET) 015/2018/EN 14 November 2018 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis of the Company and subsidiary for the period ended 30 September 2018 To: The President
collaboration for practical application of the I Code among institutional investors. The eight signatories are (1) the Office of Insurance Commission, (2) the Thai Social Security Office, (3) the Thai Government
1 1Q21 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. Executive Summary Mobile revenue slightly recovered QoQ following strong acquisition and government stimulus In late 4Q20, the new phase of outbreak had re
20230807-ADVANC-MDA-2Q23-EN Classification: Internal 2Q23 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. 1 Executive Summary Core businesses growth from profitability focus amid economic uncertainties In 2Q23 Thai
วันที่ 15 ตุลาคม 2545 1 NO. (SUTHA-SET) 012/2018/EN 15 August 2018 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis of the Company and subsidiary for the period ended 30 June 2018 To: The President of the
previous year which a net loss of Baht 6.39 million, the loss increase Baht 3.6 million or increase by 56.34% , the main reasons are as follow 1. Revenue from sale , Other income The company had revenue from
June 2017 NPP Consolidated PL Unit : Million Baht Quarter 2 Year 2017 Quarter 2 Year 2016 %YoY Quarter 1 Year 2017 %QoQ Revenue from sales and services 151.0 128.9 17% 155.5 (3%) Revenue from food and
to the same period of previous year which a net loss of Baht 24.73 million, the loss decrease Baht 19.3 million or decrease by 78.03% , the main reasons are as follow 1. Revenue from sale , Other
previous year which a net loss of Baht 9.99 million, the loss decrease Baht 1.54 million or decrease by 15.36% , the main reasons are as follow 1. Revenue from sale , Other income The company had revenue