products development and digital financial services for provide the time saving to the customers, expense saving and convenient service such as: 3.1 LH Bank M Choice Service is a financial transaction with
, including digital businesses in order to emphasizing on the intensive content and brands in 4 core businesses through the integration and the development of platform from the Offline-Online-On ground. Thus
Protection Agency and Financial Institutions Development Fund 2,504 2,453 2,498 2.1% 0.2% 4,956 4,939 0.3% Debt issued and borrowings 1,533 1,530 1,279 0.2% 19.9% 3,063 2,606 17.5% Total interest expenses
and support the policies of the government and the PTT Group in furtherance of the business expansion under the development plan of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) as the Company will be able to
and support the policies of the government and the PTT Group in furtherance of the business expansion under the development plan of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) as the Company will be able to
Clause 4. of the Company’s Memorandum of Association so as to reflect the capital increase with the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce of Thailand. 4.2 The Company will apply the
11 Tambon Ladsawai, Amphoe Lamlukka, Pathumthani 12150 Paid up capital 7,000,000 baht Remarks: During the development of UU’s project, UU will increase the capital to 117 million baht, to be invested
Protection Agency and Financial Institutions Development Fund 2,496 2,504 2,479 (0.3)% 0.7% 7,452 7,417 0.5% Debt issued and borrowings 1,519 1,533 1,358 (0.9)% 11.9% 4,582 3,965 15.6% Total interest expenses
ต่อความพร้อมในการใชง้านระบบดงักล่าว หมวด 5 หลกัเกณฑเ์พิ่มเติมอ่ืน ๆ ขอ้ 24 ผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจตอ้งจดัหา พฒันา และดูแลรักษาระบบสารสนเทศ (system acquisition, development and maintenance) ตามหลกัเกณฑด์งัต่อไป
ลงทุนสูงเทาน้ัน กองทุนรวมที่มีความเส่ียงสงูหรือซับซอน หนา้ 1 หุนกู หุนกูที่มีอนุพันธแฝง 14.36 Property Development 13.15 การโอนหนวย 17.52 19.08 0.50 5.00 ไมกําหนด ไมมี 0.1498 คาธรรมเนยีมที่