of infrastructure investment such as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), mass transit trains and high-speed railways will bolster business sentiment. Moreover, there are indications that suggest
อบใหมในยุโรป และมีการตรวจพบสายพันธุใหมท่ีแอฟริกา หุนกลุมอิเล็กทรอนิกสปรับตัว Outperform มากท่ีสุด หลังได Sentiment เชิงบวกจากเงินบาทท่ีออนคา ในขณะท่ีหุนกลุมปโตรเคมีปรับตัว Underperform มาก
ทั้งการเงินการการคลังที่ชวยหนุน สภาพคลอง และ sentiment ของตลาดได นําโดยตลาดหุนสหรัฐฯ ท่ีปรับตัวข้ึนตอบรับตัวเลขเศรษฐกิจในเดือนกุมภาพันธท่ีออกมาดี ทั้งตัวเลขการจางงานนอกภาคการเกษตร ตัวเลขดัชนีผูจัด
quarter still reflects crude price sentiment from Q4/2018, leaving the refinery business with minor inventory loss (included a reversal of lower of cost or market (LCM) of THB 689 million), whereas, during
sluggish effecting from Trade War which impacted the global economic sentiment. However, the Thai economy is attributed mainly by number of factors, namely 1.) Growth in Tourism sector particularly in 2H19 2
the 1st Quarter 2018. GFPT Group has policy to mitigate risks from foreign exchange rate volatility, which occurred from export sale and raw material importation by hedging forward contract from several
raw material and packaging items, as well as improving efficiency from modern production technology ranging from glass bottle, aluminum can to bottling and canning plants which enabled the economies of
progress and 48.48 percent are raw materials. The Corporate Group conducts inventory inspection every month and has employed accounting policy for setting provision for deteriorated inventory based on
domestic spending o Branded domestic sales of canned fruit dropped by over 40% since the crop of the Company’s major agricultural raw materials such as rambutan, longan and lychee were declining last year
because raw materials have been used for installation works to recognize milestones of the construction service. The group’s liabilities decreased by Baht 539.22 million, mainly due to the following reasons