million slightly increased by Baht 85 million or 4.2% from last year, which aligned to business growth. Non-recurring Item The Company booked provision for retirement benefit amounted Baht 22 million. This
% Change Amount % Amount % Amount % Q1-20 VS Q1-19 Q1-20 VS Q4-19 Sales revenue 12,680 100.0 12,949 100.0 11,707 100 (2.1) 8.3 Gross profit 2,586 20.4 2,978 23.0 2,155 18.4 (13.2) 20.0 Operating profit 549
income 3.6 0.0% 4.1 0.0% 0.5 13.9% Profit from investment - 0.0% 15.8 0.1% n.a. n.a. Interest income 6.9 0.1% 12.3 0.1% 5.4 78.3% Other Revenues 105.1 0.8% 167.5 1.5% 62.4 59.4% Gain (loss) from fair value
416.78 Million Baht as gain from selling short-term investment of 10.76 Million Baht and profit attributable to unrealized changes in fair value of investment of 406.02 Million Baht 2 Other revenue of
statements showed net profit 26.83 million baht compared with Q1/2017, net profit decreased 15.01 million baht or 35.9% and net profit increased 10.05 million baht or 59.8% when compared to Q1/2016. The
change of scoring criteria effective this year despite an increase of average number of registered patients to 176,554 from 164,812 person yoy. Operation : Consolidated Profit & Loss Statement 3Q 3Q % 9
* -58.0% Consol. Net Profit 255.1 159.0 268.6 +60.4% 559.7 -54.4% [ Remark * Excludes foreign exchange rate effects. ** Excludes foreign exchange rate effects and change in retirement benefit provisions
changed in revenue and net profit compared with the last year as follows: Statement of Comprehensive Income (Unit : Million Baht) Details 31 Dec 2019 31 Dec 2018 Increased (Decreased) (%) Revenues from
statements for the 3rd quarter and 9-month period ending September 30, 2018 as follows. The net profit of the Corporate Group for the 3rd quarter and 9-month period ending September 30, 2018 were Baht 79.64
1,221.6 81.8% Share of Profit from Investments in Associates and JVs 491.3 693.3 202.0 41.1% Total Cost 773.7 1,248.6 474.9 61.4% Gross Profit 603.8 1,314.7 710.9 117.7% Net Profit 334.5 972.4 637.9 190.7