was thus reduced to 29% in 2019 as compared to 37% in 2018. To regain the market share and reduce imports, the Company had to resort to very competitive pricing which impacted the EBITDA adversely
+11% Total Liabilities 2,587 2,061 +26% Authorized share capital 140 140 +0% Issued and fully paid-up share capital 140 140 +0% Share premium 6 6 -0% Retained earnings 1,242 1,229 +1% Other components
the amount of 36.2 million Baht or 9.6 percent. For other income amounted 14.2 million Baht compared previously year 10.9 million Baht. Table below shows the share of revenues in 2017 comprised of
funding for its own production. This is to maintain market share and to meet demand for HRC local customers. However, the domestic steel industry has been affected by a trade war between China and the
process and try to obtain new funding for its own production. This is to maintain market share and to meet demand for HRC local customers. However, the domestic steel industry has been affected by a trade
share and hence retain or expand our scale in respective businesses. For mobile business, 4G adoption and demand is expected to continue rising following improved customer perception of our 4G network
2018 Amount % Total Revenues 10,259 8,770 175 446 10,434 9,216 1,218 13% Total Expenses (9,505) (8,664) (173) (378) (9,678) (9,042) 636 7% Share of Profit (Loss) 2,155 1,775 4 27 2,159 1,802 357 20
equity amounted to THB 14,143 million increased by THB 925 million or 7% higher from year ended 2018 mainly due to: 1. From registered increased share capital and received cash (net of discounted on
เช่น ธพ. 5 แห่งใหญ่ในธุรกิจ LBDU หน่วยลงทุนมี market share ในสดัส่วนทีสูงมาก หาก ธพ. 5 แห่งประสงคจ์ดัตงัองคก์ร SRO กจ็ะตอ้ง รวบรวม ธพ. ทีเหลือใหไ้ดเ้กินกวา่ร้อยละ 50 ซึงอาจเป็นการสร้างภาระมากเกินไป
combination (BGYSP) amount of Baht 276 million in Q3’2018 which would be amortised by Baht 12 million per annum along the PPA life. Share of Profit (Loss) of Associates and Joint Ventures • Share of profit from