of advertising media in the last quarter of the year. In addition, the operators were cautious of the use of advertising media budget to get the best value for money. However, the Company has found
credit rating methodology or methodology version that was used in determining the credit rating and where a description of that credit rating methodology can be found. Where the credit rating is based on
years. In business in business in ,000 million cent of total s found that n). 0 which is a otification of Transactions f the Stock cerning the Disposal of n which this any’s interim nsactions on of
subscription, termination of the offering and return of subscription money can be found in the registration statement and the prospectus. Clause 41/13 In an initial public offering for units, if the approved
Date : Data filed within 3 years after filing date will be displayed List of management who submitted the changes in securities and derivatives holding report (Form 59) ( 274 record(s) found) Name of
objectives and purposes may be found in the issuer’s memorandum and articles of association. If applicable, provide information about the register and the entry number for the issuer. B. Material Contracts
of Association Indicate where the information about the issuer’s objectives and purposes may be found in the issuer’s memorandum and articles of association. If applicable, provide information about
impact likely to be less After our assessment we found that, SteelCo has Low-Medium impact from physical risk while transition risks gain prominence in its case. Transition Risk- Carbon Tax-Impact from
thresholds. The rationale of determining these specific thresholds can be found in the Climate Bonds Bioenergy Criteria Background Paper. Table 12. Bioenergy criteria Asset type Thresholds for biofuel/biomass
financial data should be updated for that interim period. If selected financial data for an interim period is provided, comparative data (except information found in the statement of financial position) from