asset is negative. 2. Net Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated, as the Company’s net profit is negative. 3. Total Value of Consideration Criteria Total Value of Consideration
1,152 1,438 1,598 39% 11% 3,390 4,239 25% Operating profits 6,386 3,349 3,362 (47%) 0% 12,449 9,878 (21%) Excluding non-recurring items 2,886 3,349 3,054 6% (9%) 8,949 9,570 7% Net finance cost/income tax
Asset Criteria Cannot be calculated, as the Company’s net tangible asset is negative. 2. Net Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated, as the Company’s net profit is negative. 3. Total
4,894 15% Operating profits 3,362 2,866 3,218 (4%) 12% 9,878 9,327 (6%) Excluding non-recurring items 3,154 3,098 3,318 5% 7% 9,670 9,713 0% Net finance cost/income tax/others 434 429 402 (7%) (6%) 1,192
continuously generate a return on investment, profit, growth of assets, profits and cash flow to the Company and shareholders in a long-term period. บมจ.0107537002109 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน
parties agree on the terms and conditions for the joint investment and sharing of profits (on pro rata basis) from the บมจ.0107537002109 Page 11 of 14 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Demeter
continuously generate a return on investment, profit, growth of assets, profits and cash flow to the Company and shareholders in a long-term period. บมจ.0107537002109 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน
Investment Agreement on November 9, 2017 under which the parties agree on the terms and conditions for the joint investment and sharing of profits (on pro rata basis) from the บมจ.0107537002109 Page 10 of 13
1,945 1,724 21% (11%) Operating profits 3,243 4,151 5,661 75% 36% Excluding non-recurring items 3,198 3,897 2,981 (7%) (24%) Net finance cost/income tax/others 396 480 1,069 170% 123% Net profit 2,847
Agreement on November 9, 2017 under which the parties agree on the terms and conditions for the joint investment and sharing of profits (on pro rata basis) from the business of broadcasting the Football