1 (Translation) No. 51/2019/050 17 October 2019 Subject: The Lease of Assets to CPN Retail Growth Leasehold REIT (“CPNREIT”) To: The President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure: Information
Stock Exchange of Thailand; “ investment unit ” means: (1) The investment unit specified under the Law on Securities and Exchange ; (2) A financial instrument or certificate representing the right of the
Discussion and Analysis for year 2014 as of December 31, 2014 (SEC to edit) Attention: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand AI Energy Public Company Limited (AIE) would like to submit the company and its
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Discussion and Analysis for year 2015 as of December 31, 2015 (SEC to edit) Attention: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand AI Energy Public Company Limited (AIE) would like to submit the company and its
หนังสือแสดงการรับทราบความผิด 13 November 2019 Subject : Management Discussion and Analysis of third quarter ended 30 September 2019 Attn. : Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Encls
, The Stock Exchange of Thailand With respect to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019, as submitted by the Company, which has been audited by the external auditor, considered by
Microsoft Word - MDA FY19 EN.docx February 24, 2020 To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject Notification on the difference of revenue from sales and net profit YOY by more than 20 percent
26 February 2020 At: ACC/HO 003/63 Re: Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended 31 December 2019 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Thailand’s economy grew more slowly than
February 2020 Subject: Clarification of the operating results for the year ended 31 December 2019, change of rate more than 20 percent To: Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Ocean Commerce