Authority of Thailand (“EGAT”), which based on the principle that annual Availability Payment (“AP”) will not be lower in year of planned major maintenance, the Company expects higher Availability Payment
to the same period in the Third quarter and 9- month period of 2017 which make the interest expense could not be capitalized as part of project cost . 4. Income Tax Expenses for the Third quarter
synthetic rubber products in the United States is relatively stable. From the Company increased distribution channels on domestic markets through online trading sites, these markets expanded, but not so high
comparison. Not include transaction related to the novation of the M&E systems under the concession agreement of the MRT Chalong Ratchadham Line Project which the MRTA is fully responsible for both loan
ดำเนินงานในอดีตของกองทุนรวม มิได้เป็นส่ิงยืนยันถึงผลการดำเนินงานในอนาคต /Past performance is not indicative of future results. เอกสารการวัดผลการดำเนินงานของกองทุนรวมฉบับน้ีได้จัดทำข้ึนตามมาตรฐานการวัดผลการ
measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities, impairment of financial assets and general hedge accounting as well as leases standard (TFRS 16). However, the Company has not restated the comparative
correction report and the price compensation report. Unless the incorrect unit price is caused by external factors which are uncontrollable, the management company is not required to submit such report on
retrospective price correction report and the price compensation report. Unless the incorrect unit price is caused by external factors which are uncontrollable, the management company is not required to submit
correction report and the price compensation report. Unless the incorrect unit price is caused by external factors which are uncontrollable, the management company is not required to submit such report on
2018 2017 Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Surplus on land revaluation – net of tax 66,240 - 100% - - Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss