years, the Company engaged in several debt restructurings, as in 2010, where the Company entered into an agreement for the debt restructuring with certain major trade creditors for the total amount of
Company’s liquidity problem and inability to repay a large amount of debt. Through the years, the Company engaged in several debt restructurings, as in 2010, where the Company entered into an agreement for
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A brWCorpL.1hig A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ending March 31, 2020 The Thai economy in the first quarter of 2020 sank into a recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Economic activity was crippled almost across the board in light of lockdown measures implemented in several countries to contain the viral transmission. Financial markets went into a tailspin, whereas turbulence was seen in manufacturing, service and tourism sectors,...
with the national agenda to embrace the AEC. 13 Branches and Financial Service Offices/Centers Domestic Service Network Number of Locations Overseas Service Network Number of
(Translation) 9 April 2019 Subject: Disclosure of Additional Information on the Tender Offer for the Securities of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) No.1 Attention: Secretary-General, The Office of The Securities and Exchange Commission President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Board of Directors and Securities Holders of Glow Energy Public Company Limited Refers to: Tender Offer for the Securities of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) dated 22 March 2019 Reference is...
shareholders to propose a candidate for directorship, and present issues for inclusion in the meeting agenda at the 2019 General Meeting of Shareholders. A number of activities undertaken continually to promote
number of activities with a focus on promoting good corporate governance. They included: Giving shareholders the opportunity to nominate a person to be elected as director and submit agenda items of the
สิทธิออกเสียงแบบสรุปรวมผลเฉพำะวำระท่ีมี ค ว ำมส ำ คัญ (aggregated by major categories of agenda) มี ค ำ อ ธิ บ ำ ย เหตุ ผ ลก ร ณี ท่ี ออกเสียงคดัคำ้นดว้ย • GPIF จะจัดประชุมกับบริษัทจัดกำรทุกปีงบประมำณ
jointly consider the agenda of the Board of Directors’ meeting. In case of a holding company, disclose the information on the directors and the controlling persons of the subsidiary operating the core
jointly consider the agenda of the Board of Directors’ meeting. 10 Manager includes a person holding an equivalent position called otherwise. 11 Chairman and manager